
Prepare - Ensure you have everything ready for the First Call

Follow the guidelines in the Preparation section:


Decide with your teammates who is available and will act as Documentation Expert and take responsibility for facilitating the initial call. Once you have decided to take responsibility, you will need to make a copy of the DAO Onboarding Miro Board Template and the Proposal Template, and edit them to the Client's specifications.

Always make sure that at least one Documentation Expert or Data Steward will attend the call. You can check the calendar invite for confirmations or ask in the channel if you are not sure.

FirstCall - Facilitate the first call with the DAO

Follow the guidelines in the Consultation Call section:

pageConsultation Call

The goals of the first call are to:

  • Establish the goal and value of the GitBook

  • Understand how we might help them

  • Decide on first skill(s) and collect contact details

After the initial interview, please fill out this Typeform to debrief and let everyone else know how the call went. This will help us decide who wants to lead and discuss the details.

IntialProposal - Send the client's proposal

Follow the guidelines in the Proposal Process section:

pageProposal Process

Send the client's initial proposal based on the desires they expressed in the Consultation call & follow the follow-up process elaborated in the Proposal Process section if you have not heard back.

ProjectSetup - Set up project

Fill out this Typeform to set up the project. It will generate invoices and create a calendar invite for the first 2 hour workshop.

FirstPayment - Secure upfront payment

Follow the guidelines in the Payment Process section:

pagePayment Process

Send the client's first invoice once the initial proposal has been accepted & follow the follow-up process elaborated in the Payment Process section if you have not heard back.

Review - Track GitBook progress and provide feedback

Keep an eye on any projects you are acting as Documentation Expert for. Stay in contact with the teammate acting as Data Steward on the project. Review their work periodically, follow up if there has not been progress and keep an eye on the timeline. Before the first draft is used for User Testing, provide feedback for any refinements. Do the same before the final version is handed over.

ProjectCompletion - Send final invoice

After the handover, use this guided Typeform to complete the project, submit the invoice to the client and signal to everyone that it's done.

Retrospective - Track and brainstorm effectiveness

Every 2 weeks we meet to review what is working and what needs fixing. This includes the interview process, GitBook formatting, and internal team processes/coordination.

Read more in Retrospective

InternalProcess - Improve our processes to make work smoother

During the retrospective, take note of any improvements that have been agreed upon as action steps and implement them. This will most likely include updating documentation.

Last updated